My Six Pound Rottweiler

She thinks she’s a Rottweiler.

Well, Okay, she’s not a Rottweiler. She’s a Black-Tan Pomeranian that thinks she’s a Rottweiler.

I flew to North Carolina and met the breeder at Charlotte Airport. We had a six-hour layover, and then flew back to Orlando, Florida. She was confused. She didn’t know me, didn’t know what the sounds in the airport were, and didn’t understand why she had to stay in a carrier.

The only good part about the layover was that there was a Mary-Kaye convention, and every waiting makeup queen wanted to pet the puppy. Children also wanted to pet her, and that required a lot more supervision. At the end of the day, we shared a meal at Burger King, and suddenly, I was definitely her human.

Once we got airborne, she slept the rest of the flight on my lap, with occasional visits from the stews. Back in Orlando, I had no luggage, so we headed for the parking garage. She refused to sleep in the passenger seat, and insisted on sleeping on my lap as we rolled east on the Beachline.


Those are the events that have influenced this puppy to be the most, one-person, dedicated dog I have ever had. Every dog has a few weird quirks, and Athena was no different. She’s on my heels all of the time, complains when I leave the house, and throws a festival when I return. At night, she wants off of the bed as soon as I get settled, and she sleeps under the bed, where she can see down the hallway. Every night about 2am, she wants up in the bed, and sleeps against my heart/chest. She sleeps solid, and I have to wake her up in the morning.

Only recently have I figured out that she’s protecting me. She lays under the bed until she can’t stay awake, and then it’s my shift. She won’t go out to pee at night unless I stand in the glass doors and tell her it’s safe. We do get big owls, racoons, and wild cats here. I have even trained her to look at the power lines for… Big Birds.

Lately I have been angry with her. Every time I get near the back door, she goes ballistic and starts barking, runs through the doggy door, and barks in all directions in the back yard, returning back to me. We had contractors redoing my neighbors pool screen, and that’s when this behavior started. Last night, I realized that she is protecting me from strangers that may be outside of the back door.

A little understanding has turned my anger toward my little six-pound guard dog into a deeper love and understanding. I may just buy her a spiked collar.

#Pomeranian #Black-Tan #Puppy #Training #Frustrated #Failure #GuardDog #Pom #AnimalPsychology #Understanding

Shut down the internet! OH NO!


We have all become so dependant on the internet. Right now, being isolated in our homes, it is keeping us all from being a domestic violence statistic. My lawn has never been so manicured. My Pomeranians have never had so much attention, and my vehicles have never sat idle for so long.

Can you imagine… do it for a minute… if they shut off the internet. I read that the dark web had already been shut down, so this crossed my mind. Even now, I order my groceries, stay in touch with my family, send my latest manuscript to my editor, and do all of my advertising, ON THE INTERNET. We literally do almost everything on the internet now. We can Google the answer or location of anything, compare prices globally, and learn how to do anything on YouTube. Even school, church, and working from home, requires, internet. There are people reading this, that have never been without the internet or their cell phone.

I live on the east coast of Florida, and we held out on home confinement longer then most. I am only on my ninth day of the thirty day restriction. I have logged many hours in my home office shopping, exploring, and editing.


Today, I am going to get out of here. “I’M GOING TO ESCAPE!”

I did adjustments and cleaned the dust off the bike. I fastened an old milk crate behind the seat, and I am taking my face mask, and hand wipes shopping. We have a few pawn shops, dollar stores, and a pharmacy, within riding distance. Maybe the hardware store is selling tomato plants, and I will try to grow one?  HA HA!

My next book, Insomniacs, is ready for my editor, and I was, (Operative word, WAS ), 167 pages into, The Repeater, before I was hit head-on with writers block. Maybe I can pedal into some inspiration?

What are you doing to not go crazy?

Send me some options.

Thanks in advance,


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#Pomeranian #Pets #Virus #Pandemic #Home #Internet #Stress #Book #Covid19 #Education #HomeSchool #Class #Entertainment #Bicycle #Family #Psychology #Claustrophobia #Sanity #Tension #Author #Writer #eBook




“I’m the human. You’re the dog!” Therapy on my keyboard. When a writer loses his dog.

Now, she lays on the examination table with an IV in her leg. We petted her and talked to her as she closed her eyes and relaxed for the last time.


When a writer loses his dog.
What has brought on this flood of emotions, is the condition of my Pomeranian companion of 15 years. We bought her as a puppy when my construction company went under. I had to file bankruptcy, and moved what I could salvage to Florida. The emotional and financial damage from the Chapter 13 was extremely damaging to my confidence and self-esteem, but Koko helped. She hated sailing, and always wanted to get back to the air-conditioned home, and her fenced in back yard. She slept on my bed, shared my food, and was on my heels at all times. If I worked on a car, or in the garage, I don’t have to worry about her running off. She would always be in the shade of a magnolia tree, or in the grass by the big fern.
A few days ago, we took her to the vet for her shots. Koko has always been overweight, mostly my fault, and recently has lost a lot of weight, and feels like skin and bones. The vet did tests and they came back as terminal kidney disease. She has a year on the long end, now has special dog food, and gets an electrolyte IV. It makes her feel great, and she gets them once a month, at $12.00 a visit. I try not to think about this too much. I have never had kids, and my two Poms, are my kids.

Zenzi, (wolf-sable Pomeranian) is 1-1/2 years old and 8 lbs. She has always had Koko and is sad when they are apart, so I am considering a third Pom.
The Alexander family is up north. I live in East Coast Florida. I am flying up next week to see them. My parents are 84 years old, and it’s been a long time since we have conversed further than Facebook. My wife’s mother died a few years ago and her father is in assisted living, in a private home. It’s cold up there. The news said 17 deg and snow. I keep thinking about Jamaica, but I need to go up north.

(I typed this much, before I went up-north for Thanksgiving. I am now back in Florida.)


In many ways I wish I had opted for the Jamaican vacation. I bought a coat and some long sleeve shirts before I left, and a few more after arriving. Most, but not all, of the Alexander family, is surviving in the same repetitive life-style they were living fifteen years ago, with one of my sisters floundering, with help and failure so many times, that everyone has now severed their connections. Others have excelled, grown up, and created a great life. My emotions were up and down every few hours, but in general, I tried to keep my opinions to myself. The one common trait that I witnessed after being in other parts of the world so long, is that they seem to acquire gratification from criticizing and speculating on other people, unable to see themselves from outside of their colloquial mold. If I could buy each one a gift, it would be an unlimited airline ticket, with six-month layovers in the countries of their choice. It changes you.

Upon returning, Koko was looking worse. She was not eating, not drinking, her legs shook when she stood, and diarrhea and vomiting took whatever moisture remained in her fragile body. It was cold for Florida, 55-60 deg at night. Koko would go out, try to poop, get liquid, and then her legs would give out. She would lie in the back yard, in her feces, until I went out looking for her, and brought her back in the house. I blocked her doggy door and spread out a towel on the floor where she likes to sleep.
Zenzi brought her favorite toys to Koko, and laid them down beside her, and backed up to give Koko an advantage to play. After moving all of her favorite toys and getting no response from Koko, she laid on top of her toys and slept beside her.
Saturday morning, I called the Veterinarian. It’s time. Koko seemed to know what we were doing, and welcomed it. Before, she looked at me, to make it better. I could only lie in the floor with her and gently pet her. My voice seemed to soothe her and she would sleep. Now, she lays on the examination table with an IV in her leg. We petted her and talked to her as she closed her eyes and relaxed for the last time.
“I’m the human! You’re the dog!” This is often heard in my house when I think the fur-babies are taking control. Right now, I would gladly give up my authority. Zenzi is confused. She keeps looking for Koko. She comes in my office, sits by my feet, and looks up at me with tears in her eyes. “How can I explain this to her?”

She lays, all of the time, in the living room where Koko slept. Her toys are still accumulated there, and she sleeps on top of her biggest one. They used to chase each other around the coffee table, but now she barks at me until I follow her into the living room and run around the coffee table with her. (Yes, I do it.) Poms need partners. I am looking for a female puppy for her. This is a bad time of year for puppy buying with Christmas coming. She may be doing a solo-show until 2020. Affordable POM puppy? Email me!


In book II of Longue Duree, Extending Life, Louis had a Pomeranian named Koko. He too, went through the above scenario, but his Koko died of bladder cancer. I’ve noticed that many things I write often come true before the book is live. Louis also became a very wealthy man… “I’m waiting!”

#Pets, #animals, #Dog, #Pomeranian, #Pom, #author, #Book, #Nature, #Psychology, #Transportation, #travel, #Vacation, #Loveofadog #Dealingwithdeath,

Longue Duree I on Amazon









Author finds his religious answer in YouTube music video. Longue Durée

I found today that the emotion that drives my writing, and my confusion, is anger.

Backlit keyboard

Book author cracks his own

 subconscious mental block.

I was just watching a fantastic video by a musician named Hozier on u-Tube. In his song (Take me to Church) he expresses his frustration with organized religion, and sees his woman as his new church. He says he feels closest to God while having sex. He sings of worship, sacrifice, and amen! As I listened to the words, I suddenly had clarity of my own situation.

I just finished a three-book set called Longue Durée. Through all three books, the main character Louis Bautista doesn’t hide his resentment for organized religion. Things he does, things he allows, and things that he instigates, make it clear that Louis has an inner battle with a bigger power. In book three, Louis is married to a girl that is very religious, and they, after other failed marriages, succeed in becoming parents. By this time, Louis has become very wealthy. Their son has become a research scientist, breaking all the rules of science and God. His wife tries to show him how he is angering God, and Louis, keeps funding his career to prove her wrong. This is just a back-story in the books, and not the main story.

Sometimes writing is a form of therapy. This one has been coming for many years.

Reality, takes more work then writing a book. From the time I was a child my parents pushed religion at me. It was burnt into my mind at an early age; therefore, I am still haunted by the teachings to this day. I spent years in classes, theology, ministry school, and even bible studies at home. I am not a person that blindly accepts something that will shape my life. Things have to be proved to me. I, for lack of a better word, graduated, and was qualified to be a minister. After years of study and research, I kept running into a barrier with each religion. I was not looking for a barrier. I wanted to believe. I do Believe! But, just as in my books, man’s greed and corruption can take the most beautiful gift, and corrupt it.

I grew up in the Bible Belt, Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee, and Kentucky. When you are deeply surrounded by the faith, it’s hard to see beyond the congregation. I moved out of the U.S., back into the U.S., and now live in Florida. I have been in many countries, islands, and oceans, with drastic financial ups and downs. When you get out of your little… space, the big picture gets clearer.

God and I communicate in prayer. Prayer is not for public display and when I pray, it is usually very personal. I must believe? I keep going to him.

I found today that the emotion that drives my writing, and my confusion, is anger. At first, I thought that for some reason I was angry at God, but that didn’t make sense. Hozier’s song, as out there as it is, showed me my problem. The anger is at man’s attempt to use God to manipulate the sheep. It’s never enough, I’m always guilty. I’m tired of feeling guilty. I tried to be a sheep. I can’t do it!

I have written twelve finished books, so far. The inner battle of the author shows in them all. Now that I realize I am doing this, perhaps I will change my style.

Longue Durée book 1, 2, and 3, do a fairly good personality profile of me. I was surprised! Only you will know that! Read book 1, and let me know what you think.

Longue Duree, extending life,

David B. Alexander

#Religion, #Psychology #Travel #Health #Medical #Book #Fiction #Music #Awareness  #Sex