BOOK PREVIEW! David Alexander! Murder, Lust, Human Trafficking, Sailing, Greed, Caribbean Islands,

My husband was snoring terribly. I made him stop snoring… and now I still can’t sleep.”
“I’ve heard that story before and been told that I snore sometimes as well. How did you get your husband to stop snoring?”
“I pushed my pillow against his face until he quit.”



My husband was snoring terribly. I made him stop snoring… and now I still can’t sleep.”

“I’ve heard that story before and been told that I snore sometimes as well. How did you get your husband to stop snoring?”

“I pushed my pillow against his face until he quit.

Pg. 185
“Mmmm, very good! I’m not a big wine person, but I like this.”
“It’s the only wine my Daddy would drink. He preferred beer too. SO! What did you want to tell me?”

“Well, I really, am running on a theory. I need your collaboration to confirm my ideas.”
“You have my undivided attention. Show me what you got!” she leaned against the armrest and smiled at me.

I reached into my brief case and started pulling the printouts from the computer. I started looking through them trying to decide how, or what, I was trying to prove. I laid the papers down on my lap and looked into Brooks eyes.
“Tell me what you know about Julienne.”

“Well, Daddy loved her in the beginning, after Mom died. I know that she was married to daddy’s partner Adamo Napoleon before she knew daddy. We all went to their wedding in Martinique, and the church blew down after they were legal.” She laughed. “I told Emily that it was a bad sign!” she laughed again. “Want some more wine?”
“No, I’m good.”

“Let’s see. Somewhere, daddy lost interest in Julie, and got the hots for his new secretary.”
(I flipped to page 7.)
“That would be Miss… Lalina Simonetta?”
“YEAH! Crap! You have all the shit in those papers, don’t you?”

She scooted over against me and tried to see the papers. I turned them away from her and looked at her. She backed off and stood with her empty glass.
“Some more wine?”
“No thanks, I’m still good.”

“Brooks, I know that Julie killed Adamo. I suspect that she killed your father. She may have killed your mother. I’m fairly positive that she just tried to kill my girlfriend.”

Suddenly Brook was no longer in a playful mood. She took a drink of her wine and sat the glass on the table. Her eye contact never wavered.
“You’re serious?” She stared at me, hoping for all of this to be a bad joke.

INSOMNIACS, has not been to the editor yet. Covid-19 has damaged my cash flow, and my real job is about to close the doors, but in the meantime… there are other really wild books to read. At present, I am writing a book called THE REPEATER. Check out the Longue Duree-Extending Life group on AMAZON.

Other Books By David Alexander

#Romance #Murder #Caribbean #Jealousy #Greed #Love #Shocking #Sailing #Islands #Wealth

Author: David Alexander

Writer David Alexander’s life has had as many twists and plot changes as his books. College in Cincinnati for commercial art was sidelined for the construction industry. His writing started there, as therapy for the stress of owning a business. David learned to sail, and vacationed on a sailboat in the Caribbean, every December. He fell in love with St. Croix and shut down the Ohio business permanently. Moving 2200 miles, he built and ran condominiums in St. Croix, USVI. Now, living on the east coast of Florida, David builds interiors for 70’ luxury yachts. The years of stories in the marinas, and experiences in many countries, fuel the keyboard of this lucky writer. He has done with little effort what many hope to experience on their bucket list.

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