David B. Alexander


Writer David Alexander’s life has had as many twists and plot changes as his books. College in Cincinnati for commercial art was sidelined for the construction industry. His writing started there, as therapy for the stress of owning a business.

David learned to sail while still in college. He escaped to St. Croix in the summers and worked for Caravelle Hotel, in Christiansted. He made friends with Teddy Seymour, who at the time had a small sailing business, doing trips to Buck Island, for tourists, and played trumpet quietly between trips. David started helping Teddy, and this teacher/ student, friendship lasted until Teddy left the island to become the worlds first black man to circumnavigate the Earth alone.

When the construction company expanded into commercial steel buildings, he had to find some quiet-time, and returned to St. Croix every December. He was addicted to St. Croix and eventually, after an American law-suit, shut down the Ohio business permanently. Moving 2200 miles, he built and ran condominiums in Christiansted, STX. Now, living on the east coast of Florida, David builds interiors for 70’ luxury yachts.

The years of stories in the marinas, and experiences in many countries, fuel the keyboard of this lucky writer. He has done with little effort what many hope to experience on their fantasy bucket list.

Today, April 8th, 2020, David sits in his Florida home serving day 6, of the Corona-virus-home-time. The Ocean Alexander/ MIBW yacht plant, out on Merritt Island is closed down, and IF it will reopen is still unknown. If you have a job to return to, buy some of his books. It may be his only income.

Longue Duree, Extended Life on Amazon


Longue Duree, Extended Life on Amazon

NEXT! Insomniacs, is finished, and going to the editor.

Now, Going a different direction… The Repeater.

Longue Duree, Extended Life on Amazon
