UPDATE / Premature Ventricular Contraction……Heart PVC

From, Author David Alexander, and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 Over the past four or five years, I have had weak spells, sometimes causing me to leave my keyboard, and lie on my floor, anticipating being there more abruptly. I usually didn’t worry about it knowing that I have been borderline hypoglycemic and a heavy coffee drinker most of my adult life. The episodes started coming too often, and a few of them scared me when I thought I was losing consciousness and home alone. I started getting them at work too, and often sat on the edge of my workbench and sometimes laid back. More recently I became short of breath when I worked too hard building yacht cabinetry. Sell that concept to your boss.

I went to my General Doctor, and before he ordered a blood test for sugar, he drug me down the hall and handed me off to his EKG room. Twenty minutes later, he carried in a ribbon of lines that was far more severe than the one on this page. I had never heard of PVC, other than the plumbing type. A few days later I went through a half day of tests at a local Cardiologist, concluding that my sugar wasn’t that bad, but my heart needed immediate attention. It was pumping fifty percent and misfiring 3 to 4 beats. The cardiologist did a dye test with a catheter entering through my groin. There were no restrictions in my arteries or heart, and the dye confirmed that the chambers of my heart were misfiring.

Now is the second time I have been tested for Covid. Any hospital: procedure requires it now. Two weeks later I was on the operating table of Dr. J.W. He is one of the top electricians, (he says), in the cardio ablation field. By using sensors tracking all the electrical firing of my heart, the doctor can watch the panel of monitors and burn the ones that are misfiring, causing the others to create a more natural timing pattern. It takes several hours to eliminate the problem. He needs to correct the original misfiring, without the aid of the medication. I had to discontinue my heart medication two days before the procedure. He decided to sedate me lightly, also not wanting to corrupt the readings of electrical firing. I was thankful that I really don’t remember anything after arriving in the operating room. My day started at 4am. I had a ride from Titusville to Daytona. Light traffic-45 minutes. I was on the table by 8:30, back in my room by 1:00, and walked to the car by 4:30. Amazing!

I was wide awake all night. WIDE AWAKE! Like a coffee buzz. My Pom Puppy stayed with me all night, somehow knowing about my problem and curious about my bandages. I now had considerably more blood flowing through my veins then I have in years. Most of them felt like they wanted to explode. My temples and ears even hurt. I had bruises and pain in different parts of my body. My heart was swollen from the burns on the lining on two sides and causing pain in my breast plate when I inhaled. It felt like my heart was readjusting the rest of my body, to its new power. Dr. W. said he could have done more, but he worried about burning through. The only thing now is not reopening the holes in the arteries of my groins where the Doctor performed his magic. He has a long list of success stories like mine. We are all grateful that he can judge when to quit, and where to burn. His surgery room had a strong similarity to my website static page. Sensors and monitors in excess.

The next morning, I ate breakfast and went to a local Wednesday Flea Market. (Slowly) I tried to take a nap afterwards but am still AWAKE!

I returned to Daytona for my official meeting with my surgeon. He informed me that the procedure had not been completely successful. There was an area that required the catheter to bend 180 deg and be operatable in another chamber of my heart. The heart wall had been lit up like fireworks and in the first operation, he was only successful in reducing the fireworks so it could be clearly mapped. I was of course disappointed, since I thought that it went so well and also, this insurance claim, was the end of my insurance policy. Covid had shut down the yacht assembly plant here on Merritt Island, FL.

I lived slowly and carefully for almost a year, until I acquired medical insurance again. This time, my cardiologist was sending me to Orlando. The big difference this time… and I stress for you to research this before having a procedure… was the use of rare earth magnets. I laid flat on the table, absolutely NO movement, between the two giant magnets, for four hours.

First, a computer scans all of the electrical pathways and shorts from beneath you. The electrode catheters are inserted through your groin and directed to the misfiring spots by the electromagnetic accuracy of the two magnets, being controlled by the surgeon and the computer. They kept me overnight because my BP refused to come back down, but finally gave in and I went home with a heart that was running at 98%. He told me he could schedule another procedure and go back in for the last 2%, but I told him it was close enough

I feel great. The pain is gone, and my head is clear. He said it takes a week or two for the body to adjust. “How good can it get?”

Below is the intelligent version of this condition. Check your symptoms early. It gets worse the longer you ignore it.

I copied this from Wikipedia

premature ventricular contraction (PVC) is a relatively common event where the heartbeat is initiated by Purkinje fibers in the ventricles rather than by the sinoatrial node. PVCs may cause no symptoms or may be perceived as a “skipped beat” or felt as palpitations in the chest. Single beat PVCs do not usually pose a danger.[1]

The electrical events of the heart detected by the electrocardiogram (ECG) allow a PVC to be easily distinguished from a normal heart beat. However, very frequent PVCs can be symptomatic of an underlying heart condition (such as arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy). Furthermore, very frequent (over 20% of all heartbeats) PVCs are considered a risk factor for arrhythmia-induced cardiomyopathy, in which the heart muscle becomes less effective and symptoms of heart failure may develop.[2] Ultrasound of the heart is therefore recommended in people with PVCs.

If PVCs are frequent or troublesome, medication (beta blockers or certain calcium channel blockers) may be used. Very frequent PVCs in people with dilated cardiomyopathy may be treated with radiofrequency ablation.[2][1]

#Cardio #Heartbeat #Ablation #Medication #Research #Medical #Murmer #Weakness #Lightheadedness #Heart failure #Palpitations #PVC #Defib #Medication #Meds #Weakness #Recovery #Author #Florida #RareEarthMagnets 

In the three books I just finished, they had a solution for issues like this that I wish I had. Several of my readers have written to me with the same wish.

While you’re here, buy a book. My medical bill has grown.

Longue Duree, Extending Life on Amazon



Author: David Alexander

Writer David Alexander’s life has had as many twists and plot changes as his books. College in Cincinnati for commercial art was sidelined for the construction industry. His writing started there, as therapy for the stress of owning a business. David learned to sail, and vacationed on a sailboat in the Caribbean, every December. He fell in love with St. Croix and shut down the Ohio business permanently. Moving 2200 miles, he built and ran condominiums in St. Croix, USVI. Now, living on the east coast of Florida, David builds interiors for 70’ luxury yachts. The years of stories in the marinas, and experiences in many countries, fuel the keyboard of this lucky writer. He has done with little effort what many hope to experience on their bucket list.

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