Romance, Travel, Adventure, of a man that doesn’t die.

“I hate standing in lines.”

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Pg. 217
I waddled through the line at Customs and Immigration. Today it was extremely slow. There was a Puerto Rican family in front of me. They were a young couple with a new baby that was carried by the mother, and a young boy about six years old. The boy kept looking at my beard, and how tall I was compared to his father.

I started waddling back and forth with exaggerated waddles. The boy smiled and sometimes laughed. The line finally moved another six feet. I looked at him and looked at his little brother. I looked at him and looked at his little brother again. The boy was catching on and smiling ear to ear waiting for me.

“mmmmMMMMMMmoooooo!” I said. The baby’s eyes got huge. It looked like it’s head may explode. Suddenly, it’s face turned bright red and, “WWWHHHAAAA!”

The boy blew his gum two rows away. I just stood there acting innocent as the boy could not stop laughing.


I hate standing in lines.

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Author: David Alexander

Writer David Alexander’s life has had as many twists and plot changes as his books. College in Cincinnati for commercial art was sidelined for the construction industry. His writing started there, as therapy for the stress of owning a business. David learned to sail, and vacationed on a sailboat in the Caribbean, every December. He fell in love with St. Croix and shut down the Ohio business permanently. Moving 2200 miles, he built and ran condominiums in St. Croix, USVI. Now, living on the east coast of Florida, David builds interiors for 70’ luxury yachts. The years of stories in the marinas, and experiences in many countries, fuel the keyboard of this lucky writer. He has done with little effort what many hope to experience on their bucket list.

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