Romance, Travel, Adventure, of a man that doesn’t die.

“I hate standing in lines.”

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Pg. 217
I waddled through the line at Customs and Immigration. Today it was extremely slow. There was a Puerto Rican family in front of me. They were a young couple with a new baby that was carried by the mother, and a young boy about six years old. The boy kept looking at my beard, and how tall I was compared to his father.

I started waddling back and forth with exaggerated waddles. The boy smiled and sometimes laughed. The line finally moved another six feet. I looked at him and looked at his little brother. I looked at him and looked at his little brother again. The boy was catching on and smiling ear to ear waiting for me.

“mmmmMMMMMMmoooooo!” I said. The baby’s eyes got huge. It looked like it’s head may explode. Suddenly, it’s face turned bright red and, “WWWHHHAAAA!”

The boy blew his gum two rows away. I just stood there acting innocent as the boy could not stop laughing.


I hate standing in lines.

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