The Mysterious Future of a Gifted Baby. Extending Life, Longue Duree III D.B.Alexander

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“But Martin, he is a seven-year-old kid. He needs to be a kid.”
“Where did you read that crap? The population has an image of their rituals, and traditions. As long as society keeps replicating their parents, they will never be more than a carbon copy with flaws. Michael is breaking the mold, and creating a new future for his generation. When he comes out, I will ask him to show you the result of his experiments that he did since you left. He did it in two weeks! TWO FUCK’N WEEKS!”

Martin calmed down, landed his elbows on the table, and laced his fingers together. He supported his furry chin with his two thumbs and looked at Sandra. “I have been dreading this day.” He looked back and forth at us with watery eyes and stopped on Sandra “When Louis brought you to me, pregnant, and about to lose Michael, I didn’t know if I could save you both. I had been working on the bionites, and using my own DNA for the tests. I had a culture in the lab that had showed positive results and remained alive, so to speak. The objective of the test was to enhance the bionites with the knowledge of myself. Think how cool it would be if I could become an atomic sub-quark and go into the human body, the human cells, the human atomic particles, and repair or modify any damaged or dead ingredients.” He stopped and cleared his eyes.

“Michael was dead. That’s it! He was dead! I had Bethany get the culture, and we injected it intravenously. In two minutes, his heart started beating. In four minutes, his flesh showed good color. In ten minutes, all of his vitals were exactly where a newborn baby’s vitals should be.”

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“You are telling me that you are as much of Michael’s father as I am?”
“Basically.” He looked at the tears running down Sandra’s face.
“So,” I said, “this would explain his increased intelligence and advancement of years?”
“Yes and no. I was not as intelligent as Michael at his age. I launched model rockets and dissected a frog. I spent forty years getting to where he is. I never created a human organ at seven years old.”
“We’ll get to that. My culture that I gave Michael had one flaw. I originally had planned to give the bionites an expiration date, at which time they would have the repairs done, and become inert in the human body. I hadn’t figured out how to do that yet.”

“So, Michael has your intelligence, with the bionites applying any modification to his brain and body parts, that they see as advantageous.”
“Correct, BUT! They not only have that ability, but will increase exponentially with no cut off time.”
“You really did create a mad scientist.”
“Yes, the choice was to let him remain dead.”
There was a long silence at the table.

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#Family #Baby, Pregnancy, Pharmacy, Medical, #LivingLonger, Research, #Health, #NewBook, #GeniusChild, #StKitts, #Nevis, #Florida, #Aging, #Youth, #Wealth, #Love, #Romance, Relationships, #Drugs, #Longevity, #Sailing, #VirginIslands, #Science,


Author: David Alexander

Writer David Alexander’s life has had as many twists and plot changes as his books. College in Cincinnati for commercial art was sidelined for the construction industry. His writing started there, as therapy for the stress of owning a business. David learned to sail, and vacationed on a sailboat in the Caribbean, every December. He fell in love with St. Croix and shut down the Ohio business permanently. Moving 2200 miles, he built and ran condominiums in St. Croix, USVI. Now, living on the east coast of Florida, David builds interiors for 70’ luxury yachts. The years of stories in the marinas, and experiences in many countries, fuel the keyboard of this lucky writer. He has done with little effort what many hope to experience on their bucket list.