She’s pregnant? Baby, family, children, relationships, drugs.

Longue Duree 1, 2, and 3, available on Amazon

Book III, Pg.108

That evening, Sandra wanted to go to church. There was one little church on the other side of the island. It was similar to the one that she went to in Florida so she dressed conservatively and I wore a white shirt and a tie. I ran the air conditioner in the Miata and kept the windows closed to not mess up her hair. We parked in the sand lot beside the building and sat in the car watching the people go into the church. They were all carrying bibles, so we also carried ours. We walked to the door and were greeted with handshakes and smiles.
“Good evening brother.”
“Good evening. I shook the procession of hands and proceeded into the room. We were the only white people in the church. I looked around a little worried.

“God doesn’t see colors.” She smiled at the room full of faces watching us, took my hand, and found two seats about half way to the front.
“Hello, I am reverend Thomas. I don’t think I have met you before.”
I reached up and shook his hand while he and Sandra discussed histories, where we lived, and how her father was also a minister. I sat in a daze looking at the bleeding statues and wondered why they saw their savior as a tortured man with thorns piercing his head and a baby in a manger when to the best of my reading, he was a powerful and impressive archangel before he saved humankind, and would later be their global sovereign.

I snapped back to Sandra as the music started and the hands clapped in unison. There was no air conditioning in this building. It had metal louvers on two sides and a nice ocean breeze occasionally blew a paper from the benches of randomly placed books. The preacher spoke occasionally but mostly, everyone sang. Song after song with hands clapping and butts swinging.

Longue Duree 1, 2, and 3, available on Amazon

In the end, a bowl was passed and we dropped a twenty in as we passed it on. We left the church with the rest of the group and drove slowly along the shoreline road. It was a full moon and there was no conversation in the car. Sandra was deep in thought, and so was I. I never planned to have a family. I still don’t want to have a family. I would be restricted in my travels and activities. I love spontaneous sex and now we will be dragging a baby everywhere. The thought of leaving Sandra crossed my mind, but was quickly dismissed. Then again, there will be a baby inside her contorting her tight body into a shape that may or may not be repairable. I then questioned if it could be someone else’s baby. I almost wished it was for a few reasons. One, I would have a justified exit plan, and two, it would dismiss the possibility that the Longue Duree, that resides in my body, may kill them both as it did Nicole. I realize I am being selfish, scared, groping for an exit, but deep down I know that Sandra’s morals are infinitely higher than mine, and she would not have cheated on me. “Deal with it Louis.” I said aloud.

Longue Duree 1, 2, and 3, available on Amazon

#Family #Baby, Pregnancy, Pharmacy, Medical, #LivingLonger, Research, #Health, #NewBook, #GeniusChild, #StKitts, #Nevis, #Florida, #Aging, #Youth, #Wealth, #Love, #Romance, Relationships, #Drugs, #Longevity, #Sailing, #VirginIslands, #Science,

Author: David Alexander

Writer David Alexander’s life has had as many twists and plot changes as his books. College in Cincinnati for commercial art was sidelined for the construction industry. His writing started there, as therapy for the stress of owning a business. David learned to sail, and vacationed on a sailboat in the Caribbean, every December. He fell in love with St. Croix and shut down the Ohio business permanently. Moving 2200 miles, he built and ran condominiums in St. Croix, USVI. Now, living on the east coast of Florida, David builds interiors for 70’ luxury yachts. The years of stories in the marinas, and experiences in many countries, fuel the keyboard of this lucky writer. He has done with little effort what many hope to experience on their bucket list.