Jennifer was my most trusted employee in my medical research lab. She dressed different every day.

Jennifer, is only one of many unusual, and crazy, characters in the Longue Durée books.

Jennifer played by her own rules. I needed a person I could trust and depend on at the front desk of M.R.I., my pharmaceutical research corporation, and gave her a chance. She kept track of everything going on in my business and alerted me when it got suspicious. In scientific research, you don’t have a lot of walk-in customers, so her choice of attire, didn’t really matter.

Longue Durée on AMAZON

There were a few times that she pushed it. The Nun outfit with thigh-high’s comes to mind, followed by a sexy cop uniform, with a very real looking gun and badge. She not only alerted me when my presence was necessary to resolve departmental wars, but called me about suspicious customers regularly visiting my high security research and development department. Thanks to her, the Feds busted an espionage group that cost me millions.

Jeniffer got married and moved to Chicago. After years of service, she told us that her boyfriend here in Orlando, managed a playhouse, and together, they had just bought one in Chicago. Who knew?

Jennifer, is only one of many unusual, and crazy, characters in the Longue Durée books. The download on Amazon is cheap… or free!

Longue Durée on AMAZON

#ReverseAging #Aging #Science #ScientificResearch #Pharmaceutical #Romance #Love #Family #Sailing #Travel #Caribbean #Sex #NevisStKitts #Wealth #Reanimation #Miracles #Adventure #Mystery #Island #WorldTravel #Virus #Cure #Pandemic #Disease #Employment #JobSearch

A stubborn Pomeranian with a North Carolina accent.


Athena & Zenzi testing puppy teeth

Many of you know me from a diversity of social media sites, so you probably know that I lost my 15-year Pomeranian, Koko. I’m over the loss now.

A year, or so, before she died of kidney failure, I bought Zenzi, a wolf-sable Pomeranian. She learned fast, and inherited all of Koko’s tricks and habits. That was a good thing. My wife is a great trainer and has a lot more patience than myself. (She’s married to me.)

Zenzi graduated… and has become the perfect companion. When Koko died, Zenzi became depressed and there was no way to explain death to a dog. I did, but those words were not in her vocabulary. She laid around a lot, and stared at me, wanting to know when I was going to go get Koko, or wondering what Koko did that made me so mad, to get rid of her. No way to explain. Zenzi was about a year old, and no longer in that puppy stage. After much thought, I decided that another puppy was the answer. Pomeranians aren’t happy when they are alone.

In my latest books, Louis Bautista had a Pomeranian in book 1 and 2.

CLICK here, to see my books on AMAZON

I flew to North Carolina to buy a little black and tan Pom. I researched taking a dog on a plane, and… I think I can do it.  (That story is on my blog) but the bottom line is that a weird bonding happened because of the airport experience. Now in Florida, Athena follows me everywhere. I haven’t been to the bathroom alone in months. Normally, my wife is the trainer, and I don’t interfere with her years of experience. Like I said, more patience than me.

Athena says otherwise. I… am her human, and she rejects the authority of my wife. She whines when I go to work, sleeps between my knees at night, and has learned that if she stares at me long enough, I will give her a dog-biscuit. So, I have been doing her training. I am on lockdown with this Corona 19 thing, so the timing is good. She’s a lot smarter than I thought. I have learned that it is not that she can’t learn, she just doesn’t want to learn. She is the most, strong-willed, dog I have ever owned. She is finally surrendering to STAY, DROP, and NO. She learned COME fast enough, but just doesn’t always feel like doing it. I teach my dogs hand signals as they learn the commands. I also teach them that belching and farting, gets rewards. My wife just shakes her head at me.

The leash is my biggest challenge now. She just lies down, like, drag me human! You can’t use a collar like a regular dog. Poms have a trachea issue, so you have to use a harness. She hates the harness as well. I have several different styles, and she prefers the old original nylon straps. Due to the Florida heat, I believe she wants as little body contact as possible. She’s making progress. Wait until she discovers that I bought seat belts for the car.

Once again, my patience is a bit less than a dog trainer, and often she frustrates me, and I feel like she’s beating me. I have failed. She’s going to hate me for all of the abuse I’m inflicting on her. Sometimes I get so frustrated that I consider giving her to someone more qualified.

Then… I finish my latest page for my website, save it for tomorrows posting, and shut down the three 24” monitors in front of me. The cooling fans whine to a stop, I close my schedule book, and roll my chair away from my desk. It stops against something and I look back in the floor. Athena pushed her dog bed across the room, and against my chair. There is a sudden flow of emotion. I reach down, pick up her limp three pound body, and hold her against my chest. “Come on girl, it’s bed time.”

In my latest books, Louis Bautista had a Pomeranian in book 1 and 2.

CLICK here, to see my books on AMAZON

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Life Saving Medication. CEO Resumes Production. Health, Romance, Family, Cure, Science

Louis returns to the U.S. planning to start a new research lab.

Longue Durée, by David B. Alexander

Photo by Lukas Rychvalsky on

Longue Durée 1, 2, and 3, available on AMAZON

Pg. 12, Book III

I sat the cruise control at 80 mph as the car rolled up I-95. I remembered Celia, Nicole, Judy, and even Lindsey, with tears that made it to my chin. I remembered Cadi, and my sadness turned to laughter. Nicole’s mother was a blast. Arrested for racing a teenager after recovering from Alzheimer’s. So many lives I could have saved, and made their lives healthy and enjoyable, but vanity and wealth ruined it for the world.

I have a sister in Ohio that I haven’t seen in… a very long time. She should be about, seventy-two by now. I would love to give her the Durée but I know, that she would demand to give it to her kids, or someone in her life eventually, and there comes the problem again. Better for me to just remain like I am, dead to the world.

Longue Duree 1, 2, and 3, available on AMAZON

ReverseAging #Aging #Science #ScientificResearch #Pharmaceutical #Romance #Love #Family #Sailing #Travel #Caribbean #Sex #NevisStKitts #Wealth #Reanimation #Miracles #Adventure #Mystery #Island #WorldTravel #Virus #Cure #Pandemic #Disease #book #Health #Island #Medical #Relationships #Religion #USVI #Video #Longue Durée #Baby #Genius #Child #Project

Ready for the editor.

The Mysterious Future of a Gifted Baby. Extending Life, Longue Duree III D.B.Alexander

Available on AMAZON

“But Martin, he is a seven-year-old kid. He needs to be a kid.”
“Where did you read that crap? The population has an image of their rituals, and traditions. As long as society keeps replicating their parents, they will never be more than a carbon copy with flaws. Michael is breaking the mold, and creating a new future for his generation. When he comes out, I will ask him to show you the result of his experiments that he did since you left. He did it in two weeks! TWO FUCK’N WEEKS!”

Martin calmed down, landed his elbows on the table, and laced his fingers together. He supported his furry chin with his two thumbs and looked at Sandra. “I have been dreading this day.” He looked back and forth at us with watery eyes and stopped on Sandra “When Louis brought you to me, pregnant, and about to lose Michael, I didn’t know if I could save you both. I had been working on the bionites, and using my own DNA for the tests. I had a culture in the lab that had showed positive results and remained alive, so to speak. The objective of the test was to enhance the bionites with the knowledge of myself. Think how cool it would be if I could become an atomic sub-quark and go into the human body, the human cells, the human atomic particles, and repair or modify any damaged or dead ingredients.” He stopped and cleared his eyes.

“Michael was dead. That’s it! He was dead! I had Bethany get the culture, and we injected it intravenously. In two minutes, his heart started beating. In four minutes, his flesh showed good color. In ten minutes, all of his vitals were exactly where a newborn baby’s vitals should be.”

Available on AMAZON

“You are telling me that you are as much of Michael’s father as I am?”
“Basically.” He looked at the tears running down Sandra’s face.
“So,” I said, “this would explain his increased intelligence and advancement of years?”
“Yes and no. I was not as intelligent as Michael at his age. I launched model rockets and dissected a frog. I spent forty years getting to where he is. I never created a human organ at seven years old.”
“We’ll get to that. My culture that I gave Michael had one flaw. I originally had planned to give the bionites an expiration date, at which time they would have the repairs done, and become inert in the human body. I hadn’t figured out how to do that yet.”

“So, Michael has your intelligence, with the bionites applying any modification to his brain and body parts, that they see as advantageous.”
“Correct, BUT! They not only have that ability, but will increase exponentially with no cut off time.”
“You really did create a mad scientist.”
“Yes, the choice was to let him remain dead.”
There was a long silence at the table.

Available on AMAZON

#Family #Baby, Pregnancy, Pharmacy, Medical, #LivingLonger, Research, #Health, #NewBook, #GeniusChild, #StKitts, #Nevis, #Florida, #Aging, #Youth, #Wealth, #Love, #Romance, Relationships, #Drugs, #Longevity, #Sailing, #VirginIslands, #Science,


She’s pregnant? Baby, family, children, relationships, drugs.

Longue Duree 1, 2, and 3, available on Amazon

Book III, Pg.108

That evening, Sandra wanted to go to church. There was one little church on the other side of the island. It was similar to the one that she went to in Florida so she dressed conservatively and I wore a white shirt and a tie. I ran the air conditioner in the Miata and kept the windows closed to not mess up her hair. We parked in the sand lot beside the building and sat in the car watching the people go into the church. They were all carrying bibles, so we also carried ours. We walked to the door and were greeted with handshakes and smiles.
“Good evening brother.”
“Good evening. I shook the procession of hands and proceeded into the room. We were the only white people in the church. I looked around a little worried.

“God doesn’t see colors.” She smiled at the room full of faces watching us, took my hand, and found two seats about half way to the front.
“Hello, I am reverend Thomas. I don’t think I have met you before.”
I reached up and shook his hand while he and Sandra discussed histories, where we lived, and how her father was also a minister. I sat in a daze looking at the bleeding statues and wondered why they saw their savior as a tortured man with thorns piercing his head and a baby in a manger when to the best of my reading, he was a powerful and impressive archangel before he saved humankind, and would later be their global sovereign.

I snapped back to Sandra as the music started and the hands clapped in unison. There was no air conditioning in this building. It had metal louvers on two sides and a nice ocean breeze occasionally blew a paper from the benches of randomly placed books. The preacher spoke occasionally but mostly, everyone sang. Song after song with hands clapping and butts swinging.

Longue Duree 1, 2, and 3, available on Amazon

In the end, a bowl was passed and we dropped a twenty in as we passed it on. We left the church with the rest of the group and drove slowly along the shoreline road. It was a full moon and there was no conversation in the car. Sandra was deep in thought, and so was I. I never planned to have a family. I still don’t want to have a family. I would be restricted in my travels and activities. I love spontaneous sex and now we will be dragging a baby everywhere. The thought of leaving Sandra crossed my mind, but was quickly dismissed. Then again, there will be a baby inside her contorting her tight body into a shape that may or may not be repairable. I then questioned if it could be someone else’s baby. I almost wished it was for a few reasons. One, I would have a justified exit plan, and two, it would dismiss the possibility that the Longue Duree, that resides in my body, may kill them both as it did Nicole. I realize I am being selfish, scared, groping for an exit, but deep down I know that Sandra’s morals are infinitely higher than mine, and she would not have cheated on me. “Deal with it Louis.” I said aloud.

Longue Duree 1, 2, and 3, available on Amazon

#Family #Baby, Pregnancy, Pharmacy, Medical, #LivingLonger, Research, #Health, #NewBook, #GeniusChild, #StKitts, #Nevis, #Florida, #Aging, #Youth, #Wealth, #Love, #Romance, Relationships, #Drugs, #Longevity, #Sailing, #VirginIslands, #Science,

UPDATE / Premature Ventricular Contraction……Heart PVC

From, Author David Alexander, and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 Over the past four or five years, I have had weak spells, sometimes causing me to leave my keyboard, and lie on my floor, anticipating being there more abruptly. I usually didn’t worry about it knowing that I have been borderline hypoglycemic and a heavy coffee drinker most of my adult life. The episodes started coming too often, and a few of them scared me when I thought I was losing consciousness and home alone. I started getting them at work too, and often sat on the edge of my workbench and sometimes laid back. More recently I became short of breath when I worked too hard building yacht cabinetry. Sell that concept to your boss.

I went to my General Doctor, and before he ordered a blood test for sugar, he drug me down the hall and handed me off to his EKG room. Twenty minutes later, he carried in a ribbon of lines that was far more severe than the one on this page. I had never heard of PVC, other than the plumbing type. A few days later I went through a half day of tests at a local Cardiologist, concluding that my sugar wasn’t that bad, but my heart needed immediate attention. It was pumping fifty percent and misfiring 3 to 4 beats. The cardiologist did a dye test with a catheter entering through my groin. There were no restrictions in my arteries or heart, and the dye confirmed that the chambers of my heart were misfiring.

Now is the second time I have been tested for Covid. Any hospital: procedure requires it now. Two weeks later I was on the operating table of Dr. J.W. He is one of the top electricians, (he says), in the cardio ablation field. By using sensors tracking all the electrical firing of my heart, the doctor can watch the panel of monitors and burn the ones that are misfiring, causing the others to create a more natural timing pattern. It takes several hours to eliminate the problem. He needs to correct the original misfiring, without the aid of the medication. I had to discontinue my heart medication two days before the procedure. He decided to sedate me lightly, also not wanting to corrupt the readings of electrical firing. I was thankful that I really don’t remember anything after arriving in the operating room. My day started at 4am. I had a ride from Titusville to Daytona. Light traffic-45 minutes. I was on the table by 8:30, back in my room by 1:00, and walked to the car by 4:30. Amazing!

I was wide awake all night. WIDE AWAKE! Like a coffee buzz. My Pom Puppy stayed with me all night, somehow knowing about my problem and curious about my bandages. I now had considerably more blood flowing through my veins then I have in years. Most of them felt like they wanted to explode. My temples and ears even hurt. I had bruises and pain in different parts of my body. My heart was swollen from the burns on the lining on two sides and causing pain in my breast plate when I inhaled. It felt like my heart was readjusting the rest of my body, to its new power. Dr. W. said he could have done more, but he worried about burning through. The only thing now is not reopening the holes in the arteries of my groins where the Doctor performed his magic. He has a long list of success stories like mine. We are all grateful that he can judge when to quit, and where to burn. His surgery room had a strong similarity to my website static page. Sensors and monitors in excess.

The next morning, I ate breakfast and went to a local Wednesday Flea Market. (Slowly) I tried to take a nap afterwards but am still AWAKE!

I returned to Daytona for my official meeting with my surgeon. He informed me that the procedure had not been completely successful. There was an area that required the catheter to bend 180 deg and be operatable in another chamber of my heart. The heart wall had been lit up like fireworks and in the first operation, he was only successful in reducing the fireworks so it could be clearly mapped. I was of course disappointed, since I thought that it went so well and also, this insurance claim, was the end of my insurance policy. Covid had shut down the yacht assembly plant here on Merritt Island, FL.

I lived slowly and carefully for almost a year, until I acquired medical insurance again. This time, my cardiologist was sending me to Orlando. The big difference this time… and I stress for you to research this before having a procedure… was the use of rare earth magnets. I laid flat on the table, absolutely NO movement, between the two giant magnets, for four hours.

First, a computer scans all of the electrical pathways and shorts from beneath you. The electrode catheters are inserted through your groin and directed to the misfiring spots by the electromagnetic accuracy of the two magnets, being controlled by the surgeon and the computer. They kept me overnight because my BP refused to come back down, but finally gave in and I went home with a heart that was running at 98%. He told me he could schedule another procedure and go back in for the last 2%, but I told him it was close enough

I feel great. The pain is gone, and my head is clear. He said it takes a week or two for the body to adjust. “How good can it get?”

Below is the intelligent version of this condition. Check your symptoms early. It gets worse the longer you ignore it.

I copied this from Wikipedia

premature ventricular contraction (PVC) is a relatively common event where the heartbeat is initiated by Purkinje fibers in the ventricles rather than by the sinoatrial node. PVCs may cause no symptoms or may be perceived as a “skipped beat” or felt as palpitations in the chest. Single beat PVCs do not usually pose a danger.[1]

The electrical events of the heart detected by the electrocardiogram (ECG) allow a PVC to be easily distinguished from a normal heart beat. However, very frequent PVCs can be symptomatic of an underlying heart condition (such as arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy). Furthermore, very frequent (over 20% of all heartbeats) PVCs are considered a risk factor for arrhythmia-induced cardiomyopathy, in which the heart muscle becomes less effective and symptoms of heart failure may develop.[2] Ultrasound of the heart is therefore recommended in people with PVCs.

If PVCs are frequent or troublesome, medication (beta blockers or certain calcium channel blockers) may be used. Very frequent PVCs in people with dilated cardiomyopathy may be treated with radiofrequency ablation.[2][1]

#Cardio #Heartbeat #Ablation #Medication #Research #Medical #Murmer #Weakness #Lightheadedness #Heart failure #Palpitations #PVC #Defib #Medication #Meds #Weakness #Recovery #Author #Florida #RareEarthMagnets 

In the three books I just finished, they had a solution for issues like this that I wish I had. Several of my readers have written to me with the same wish.

While you’re here, buy a book. My medical bill has grown.

Longue Duree, Extending Life on Amazon



The pleasure of sailing. “Not this day!” True story with David Alexander


Sunday… today… We were scheduled to deliver our sailboat to a ship-yard about four or five hours up the Florida intercoastal. The diesel was running just under the hot zone. Delivery time was not that important because they were not going to haul it until Monday after lunch. We were told to tie it off to their sea wall and they would move it to the lift with long ropes. We both had to work.

I went over to the Marina Friday after work and thought I would get things ready for an early departure Saturday morning. I got the key from the Nav Station and thought I would let the diesel run while I carried a few things to the truck that I didn’t want in the ship-yard.

RRrrrnnn RRrrrrnnnn TTTtthhhh! You know that sound! The battery’s dead.

I’m on shore power with a $400 charger that monitors both battery banks at all times. I pulled the floor panel, and the bilge was holding water. The central air is still working, so, all the 110V is still good but the 12V DC is out. I grabbed a voltage meter from the back cabin and checked the batteries at the terminals. Both banks barely registered, 12V from the charger is dead, 110V to the charger was hot. Okay, the charger is fried. I removed the charger and tested it on the galley table, dead, and the transformer coil is melted. Zero continuity. Must have had a voltage spike in the marina. Not the first time.


I went home, got a battery charger, and left it on each bank for about 2 hours each. The diesel started, bilge kicked in, lights came on, instruments still work. Okay, we’ll still deliver the boat, tomorrow. I stopped by Auto Zone and bought a big deep cycle battery for insurance, and put jumper cables in storage for this run. It was 99deg in the hold, where the batteries are. I had a heat/stress headache, sweaty clothes, and a Band-Aid on my bald spot. Time to go home and hit the shower. Cold!


Sunday morning. Gonna do it! I still have that shaky acid stomach feeling that I have learned to listen to over the years. The diesel fired right up. I removed all of the dock lines but two. I use four dock lines and two spring lines, with the four dock lines doubled with black 5/8” braided, for the big storms at this time of year. There was no wind, the water was calm, and my stomach was settling down. Looking good.

Last line on deck, backed it out, shifted into forward. No rudder?

NO FRICK’IN RUDDER!  No matter where I turned, it kept moving to the right. We have HUGE manatees around our boat all the time.

“We NEVER pet them or give them fresh water.” BUT, they are big enough to snap a rudder if they wanted to. My rudder is about 15” x 5’. They call it a Barn Door rudder because of its size. It gives me instant handling and I can run closer to the wind. BUT, it’s size is a weakness, so I figured it was on the bottom, below where I just left.

THEN, something (my father) taught me kicked in. “PROP WALK” I used the prop forward and reverse back and forth, to eventually slide the boat into another un-occupied dock space.

My nerves were shot and I tied her off…What to do? No choice “I have to dive.”

No, we had just been watching a small shark cruising the marina. Still have to do it. I pulled the gear from below deck and hit the water.

“Where’s that shark? Tell me if you see the fin again.” I went under the boat and the rudder was still there. Happy day! So! Why do I have no steering? I had my wife turn the wheel back and forth, while I held onto the rudder under water. Full left , full right, and STRONG? Dove again and checked the prop. FULL of barnacles! Bingo!  With no movement, there is no steering. Okay.

I went home and got dive gloves, various scrapers, a bigger dive knife for that shark, and jumped back in with weapon in hand.


The shark kept getting closer with each pass. Finally, his dorsal fin touched my stomach as he went below me. I was only in 10’ of water. This time I came out of the water and reconsidered. I described the fish to another sailor next to me. He said it was a huge Tarpon that hangs around the docks. I felt better and jumped back in. I finished scraping the prop after about 9 or 10 dives, and had to switch my tool to a big wood chisel instead of the drywall knife. I left the boat tied to the dock with spring lines and started the diesel. Forward, good… reverse, good… okay, untie it. Time to do or die. It came right out of the slip, turned and maneuvered perfectly. We took it out into the bay tested and tested, and then put it back on its original dock.

There’s always next week. The one thing I didn’t mention is that as of today, I don’t have a lease on my dock, and it goes to transient fees. Tomorrow I’ll get them to pro-rate me a week.

The water was really warm! No wonder the barnacles are so bad. Felt good to be back in the saltwater again. Seems like since I moved here all I do is work and rest.  Right now, I’m glad I’m still working. I was supposed to be off this next week, and they decided that they want me to come in anyway. I worked it out with the finish dept to not finish any yacht cabinets until Monday. That will keep me working at least until Wed.


If I do get laid off, for any long stretch I have a 40# CQR anchor out in the garage. I’ll bury it in the sand, run out about 20’ of chain, bolt it to a couple engine blocks, and attach a mooring ball. We can still get away with that here for another year or so. Anchoring out will save me about $350 a month. I have been thinking of lots of “Survival “ ideas lately.


Gotta go…wife says 3-minute warning for supper. Shut it down.

Stay in the shade. David




#Sailing #Caribbean #Travel #Cruise #Islands #Alzheimer’s #Health #Medical #Romance #Love #Sex #Hurricane #Florida #Family #Adventure #book #Fiction #Entertainment #Education

Extending Life! Longue Durée 1, 2, & 3,

“I loved writing these. Each book got crazier.” David Alexander

Three books on

In book 3, Michael steals his fathers Jaguar, and totals it on I-95.

Longue Durée, Extending Life, by David Alexander

The three books of Longue Durée follow the crazy life of Louis Bautista. While serving as a delivery captain for a redhead widow, he receives a small package before the man is murdered in an alley on the island of St. Croix. The package was addressed to a research lab in Orlando, Florida where Louis becomes part owner of the age reversing drug that he now possesses.

Production of the drug made them both billionaires, and almost got them killed. The drug was expensive to produce, and only the elite wealthy could afford it. Politicians, investors, sports figures, and famous musicians, fought for a date for their treatment, while the rest of the world, suffer through existing illnesses, and die at their normal time.

Three books on

In book II, Louis Bautista, became Louis Montgomery, and bought a home and residency on Nevis Island. Nevis is a sovereign island and becomes his sanctuary through all of the books. After the loss of his company, his best friend, and his American citizenship, he returns to Orlando, at much cost, and creates MRI, Montgomery Research Inc.

Louis is again a billionaire, CEO, a convict, and a scientific research leader. His by-product sales are rivaled only by QVC and Amazon. The original Longue Durée has never been recreated, for the public. Only Louis has the recipe.

In book III, Louis marries a religious girl. Louis has created his new life, and all of his products, with science. He feels even God used science. It was only a matter of figuring out how he did it.

Sandra, a preacher’s daughter, is constantly trying to correct Louis, but he fights a good fight, even creating life! Sandra and Louis eventually have a son, and a daughter, but the son is born dead, and brought back to life by more of Louis’s scientific research. With far reaching complications, his son will extend research far beyond his father and effect the world, and beyond. Even with Michael’s genius status, he still wants to… just be a teenager.

Three books on

#ReverseAging #Aging #Science #ScientificResearch #Pharmaceutical #Romance #Love #Family #Sailing #Travel #Caribbean #Sex #NevisStKitts #Wealth #Reanimation #Miracles #Adventure #Mystery #Island #WorldTravel #Virus #Cure #Pandemic #Disease #book #Health #Island #Medical #Relationships #Religion #USVI #Video #Longue Durée #Baby #Genius #Child #Project


INSOMNIACS, They’re Just not Normal. by David Alexander

Even crazier then Longue Duree



BOOK PREVIEW! David Alexander! Murder, Lust, Human Trafficking, Sailing, Greed, Caribbean Islands,

My husband was snoring terribly. I made him stop snoring… and now I still can’t sleep.”
“I’ve heard that story before and been told that I snore sometimes as well. How did you get your husband to stop snoring?”
“I pushed my pillow against his face until he quit.”



My husband was snoring terribly. I made him stop snoring… and now I still can’t sleep.”

“I’ve heard that story before and been told that I snore sometimes as well. How did you get your husband to stop snoring?”

“I pushed my pillow against his face until he quit.

Pg. 185
“Mmmm, very good! I’m not a big wine person, but I like this.”
“It’s the only wine my Daddy would drink. He preferred beer too. SO! What did you want to tell me?”

“Well, I really, am running on a theory. I need your collaboration to confirm my ideas.”
“You have my undivided attention. Show me what you got!” she leaned against the armrest and smiled at me.

I reached into my brief case and started pulling the printouts from the computer. I started looking through them trying to decide how, or what, I was trying to prove. I laid the papers down on my lap and looked into Brooks eyes.
“Tell me what you know about Julienne.”

“Well, Daddy loved her in the beginning, after Mom died. I know that she was married to daddy’s partner Adamo Napoleon before she knew daddy. We all went to their wedding in Martinique, and the church blew down after they were legal.” She laughed. “I told Emily that it was a bad sign!” she laughed again. “Want some more wine?”
“No, I’m good.”

“Let’s see. Somewhere, daddy lost interest in Julie, and got the hots for his new secretary.”
(I flipped to page 7.)
“That would be Miss… Lalina Simonetta?”
“YEAH! Crap! You have all the shit in those papers, don’t you?”

She scooted over against me and tried to see the papers. I turned them away from her and looked at her. She backed off and stood with her empty glass.
“Some more wine?”
“No thanks, I’m still good.”

“Brooks, I know that Julie killed Adamo. I suspect that she killed your father. She may have killed your mother. I’m fairly positive that she just tried to kill my girlfriend.”

Suddenly Brook was no longer in a playful mood. She took a drink of her wine and sat the glass on the table. Her eye contact never wavered.
“You’re serious?” She stared at me, hoping for all of this to be a bad joke.

INSOMNIACS, has not been to the editor yet. Covid-19 has damaged my cash flow, and my real job is about to close the doors, but in the meantime… there are other really wild books to read. At present, I am writing a book called THE REPEATER. Check out the Longue Duree-Extending Life group on AMAZON.

Other Books By David Alexander

#Romance #Murder #Caribbean #Jealousy #Greed #Love #Shocking #Sailing #Islands #Wealth

A Bio Research Scientist, is interviewed for an Illegal Job, with a Genius Mad Scientist… and accepts the position.

“Great. Bethany, I have another lab. It is doing research off the grid. Would you be interested in helping us, off the record? Think about what you could do if the government didn’t set your limits.”
“And I still get paid?”



“Yes. I brought them back to life. I took a sample of their DNA, broke it down on the spectral analyzer, and cataloged the atomic structure of each creature. Then I created the atoms and elements to regenerate it. I sort of mapped an atomic cocktail, and let the machine create it inside the mouse carcass. Within twenty-four hours, the mouse was standing and breathing. In three days, they were as you see them, now.”

Longue Duree, Extending Life, on AMAZON

“Do you realize what you have done?”
“Yes, he does, Bethany. That’s why I brought you here.”
“What are these? Ohhhhhh!” Bethany stepped into a side room and looked at several containers of human organs, one hand, and a bearded man’s head.
“More tests,” said Martin, “reach into the liquid and squeeze the hand.” He elbowed me on the arm to watch.

I threw her a towel, and she dried her hand.
“And what does the head do? Sing Beatles songs?”
She stroked her fingernail from the head’s chin up into the temple. His eyes suddenly opened, and he smiled, showing his grey teeth.“AAAAAAAHHHHH! AAAAHHH!”

I grabbed her. She was clearly upset. “DON’T TOUCH ME! AAAHH!” She pulled away from me.
Bethany rushed out to the loading dock, and I found her with her face against the concrete block wall.
“Should I take you back to MRI?”
“No way! You guys are breaking all the laws. Man, and God.”
“Yes, we are. What’s your decision?”
“Count me in.”

Longue Duree, Extending Life, on AMAZON

Longue Duree III 3

Longue Duree, Extending Life, on AMAZON

#ReverseAging #Aging #Science #ScientificResearch #Pharmaceutical #Romance #Love #Family #Sailing #Travel #Caribbean #Sex #NevisStKitts #Wealth #Reanimation #Miracles #Adventure #Mystery #Island #WorldTravel #Virus #Cure #Pandemic #Disease #book #Health #Island #Medical #Relationships #Religion #USVI #Video #Longue Durée #Baby #Genius #Child #Project